Codes, Ciphers and Cryptanalysis

Codes, Ciphers and Cryptanalysis

Justin A. Day (pseudonym) with  Jan Weeks published The Centerville Code forty-two years too late for me.   It is a 10-13 year-old boy adventure book where the heroes require facility in cryptanalysis––the reading of codes­­.  It is the type of story I read as a...

Denial – hide the truth

I add two caveats before I go on. Though I address the principals of denial and deception––deception, denial, deceit and misdirection­­––successively, linearity in deception, deception analysis and counter-deception should be, but most often are not, thought of as...
All deception is based on truth

All deception is based on truth

           A first rule of deception is truth. All deception works within the context of what is true. All deception works within the context of honesty. Deception is the deliberate attempt to manipulate the perceptions of the target[1]. This first principle, truth,...
This  Web Log is about…

This Web Log is about…

The purpose of this web site is to make sense of liars whom I’ve lived and worked among, against, and for in my life. There are moments when I shake with rage at the memory of trust broken; as well I quiver with shame at the memory of breaking trust.  We deceive...